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Southside Kid,  by L. Curt Erler

The end of WWII is near.  On Chicago’s Southside, young Curt’s large family gathers around the Philco radio for an evening’s entertainment.  It’s a simpler time of strong family values.  The only non-Catholic in a Catholic school, Curt recalls his adventures and a few altercations. Summertime was filled with ball games, movie matinees and occasional kids’ high jinks.  With the ’50s came cruising in the Thunderbird, falling in love at school dances, congregating at the local burger joint and dropping quarters in a jukebox for some rock ‘n’ roll music as “The Kid” takes readers on a wonderful and wildly fun memory lane journey that brings with it a sense of longing.  Everyone should have a childhood that is this much fun and a life that is this rich.  Southside Kid is part history, part biography¾ but all reality.

Paperback, 302 pages

Southside Kid, by L. Curt Erler

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