Since its debut on December 24, 1925, KMOX has been the “Voice of St. Louis.” Through the years, KMOX listeners have heard hillbilly music, local drama, award-winning news, soap operas, soothing nighttime voices, sports play-by-play, call-in talk shows, world leaders, local events and editorials, and announcers who became like friends of the family. In radio’s heyday, hundreds of CBS network programs heard around the nation originated from the Mart Building studios of KMOX, and the station was a national leader in radio market share. Frank Absher, a former announcer on KMOX, recalls a station that has won every major broadcast award imaginable, directly reflecting its influence and local dominance.
Softcover, 6 x 9, 128 pgs.
KMOX: The Voice of St. Louis, by Frank Absher